बुधवार, 15 जून 2016



UPSC CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION 2016 Notification (English)

साथियों, अपने ईमेल और ब्लॉग पर मुझे आप कई साथियों के मेल मिलते हैं जिसमे सिविल सेवा के बारे  में, इसके पाठ्यक्रम, इसमें बैठने के लिए योग्यता, उम्र, कौन से विषय उपलब्ध हैं जैसे प्रश्न होते हैं. सिविल सेवा के बारे में सारी शुरूआती जानकारियों के लिए आपके सबसे काम की प्रमाणिक चीज यूपीएससी की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध इसकी नोटिस है जिसमे उस वर्ष परीक्षा के प्रारूप, सिलेबस और योग्यता जैसी सारी जानकारी उपलब्ध होती है. आप लोगों की सुविधा के लिए मैं इसका लिंक इस ब्लॉग के सबसे ऊपर में  दे रहा हूँ.

वैसे आप http://www.upsc.gov.in/ में जाकर एग्जामिनेशन के लिंक में जाकर भी नोटिफिकेशन में Current/Archival लिंक से सिविल सर्विस एग्जाम 2016  की नोटिस पीडीऍफ़ में देख सकते हैं.

आशा करता हूँ की ये लिंक इस परीक्षा की शुरुआत कर रहे दोस्तों के लिए लाभप्रद होगा. विशेषकर ग्यारहवीं -बारहवीं कक्षा के छात्रों, और डिग्री कोर्स कर रहे छात्रों के लिए जो सिविल सेवा की तयारी करना चाहते हैं, या इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी चाहते हैं, उनके लिए यह लिंक काफी मददगार होगा.

शुभकामनाओं के साथ,

केशवेन्द्र कुमार, आईएस
जिला कलेक्टर एवं जिला मजिस्ट्रेट, वायनाड जिला

शनिवार, 24 अक्टूबर 2015

CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude, part 5


Efficiency is a very important criterion for civil servant. Ultimate aim of Civil service is to deliver Public goods and services in a timely and efficient manner. Public supports officers who delivers, who provide solution of difficult problems, who creates an atmosphere of peace and development. For efficiency in administration, we require team building, proper planning and co-ordination, focussed attitude,innovation, getting to the root of problem and to provide solution for it. 

Friends, I am sharing with you summary of report prepared by DOPT and UNDP on Civil Service Competency Dictionary with my observation. You can read this report on link given below-

4.1 Result Orientation
High Drive for achieving targets and competing against a standard of excellence.

• Works towards meeting timelines and expresses a desire to do better
• Is mindful of waste, inefficiency and red-tapism while discharging duties
• Consistently ensures on-time delivery of quality work
• Monitors efficiency of work practices and modifies them to provide better service
• Works to achieve tasks better, faster, and more efficiently; and looks to improve quality,
community satisfaction, and morale, without setting any specific goal
• Motivates, encourages others to set higher benchmarks and strive for superior performance
• Continually looks to adapt leading practices from other Departments/organisations to
improve performance
• Recognises and rewards innovation, setting higher benchmarks to create a culture of high
• Encourages and rewards continuous review and improvement of work processes
• Inspires individuals to consistently exceed performance targets

4.2 Conceptual Thinking
Understanding a situation or environment by putting the pieces together and identifying
patterns that may not be obviously related. Connecting the dots while resisting stereotyping

• Able to derive conscious rationale or its absence from recurring situations or events
• Creates own hypothesis to current situation or problem
• Makes complex ideas or situations clear, simple, and understandable
• Breaks-down a complex issue into a useful model or illustration
• Assembles ideas, issues, and observations into a clear and useful explanation
• Willing to experiment without being constrained by bias, stereotypes and traditional views
• Proposes alternative, radical hypotheses and tests them/keeps them in play
• Redefines the understanding of stakeholder and community needs

4.3 Initiative and Drive
Contributing more than what is expected in the job, refusing to give up when faced with
challenges, and finding or creating new opportunities

• Anticipates situations up to a year in advance, in order to plan action and build in
• Creates an environment where individuals are willing and able to take initiative without
fearing consequences of failure

4.4 Seeking Information
An underlying curiosity to know more about things, people, or issues. This includes ‘digging’
for exact information and keeping up-to-date with relevant knowledge

• Studies best practices of other states, sectors, regions organisations etc
• Conducts field visits (if needed) to gain a comprehensive understanding of situation
• Identifies individuals or develops trusted sources to conduct regular information gathering
• Validates the veracity of informal information through other means and resources

4.5 Planning and Coordination
Ability to plan, organise and monitor work with effective utilisation of resources such as time,
money, and people

• Demonstrates good time management skills to meet short- and medium-term objectives
• Plans own work schedule and monitors progress against it optimally
• Uses available resources optimally to meet work objective
• Identifies and tries to solve bottlenecks in own area of work
• Monitors progress periodically and revises work plans as required
• Keeps oneself up-to-date and makes necessary adjustments to timelines, work plan, and
resource allocation as necessary

4.6 Desire for Knowledge
Keeps up-to-date with relevant knowledge and technology, shares latest developments with
others, and advocates the application of acquired knowledge.

• Keeps own policy and procedure binders (circulars, memorandums, OMs), working papers,
and ensures that files are up-to-date
• Proactively reads relevant literature to enhance knowledge of relevant practices  such as policy documents, external reports, or professional and Government journals
• Encourages and facilitates the acquisition of knowledge in others
• Suggests strategies to develop Departments’/Civil Services’ overall knowledge base

4.7 Innovative Thinking
Open to change, approaches issues differently, offers alternate/out of the box solutions and
strives for efficiency by working smartly.

• Seeks improvement in public service delivery through multiple methods such as technology,
efficient work practices etc
• Proactively engages with stakeholders for continuous improvement in service delivery
• Identifies bottlenecks and warning signs and initiates preventive action
• Prepared to meet the challenges of difficult change and encourages others in doing the
• Challenges the status quo and looks for unconventional solutions
• Encourages ideas, improvements and measured risk-taking to improve services
• Identifies & implements changes to transform flexibility, responsiveness, and quality of
• Creates a culture of innovation, flexibility and responsiveness, mobilising the Department
to respond swiftly to changing priorities

4.8 Problem Solving
Understanding a situation by breaking it into smaller parts, organising information
systematically, and setting priorities.

• Able to diagnose multiple cause and effect relationships in a problem (ability to see several
potential causes of an event or several events)
• Develops potential solutions and identifies risks involved
• Ability to see the holistic picture
• Creates solutions that address not only immediate issues (quick fixes) but also takes steps
for medium to long-term impact of the solutions

4.9 Developing Others
Genuinely believes in others’ capabilities to develop and takes personal responsibility for
their development. Creates a positive environment for learning and provides developmental
opportunities for individuals and teams.

• Encourages team members to develop learning and career plans and follows up to guide
their development and measure progress
• Takes risks on others to enable them to grow, by delegating responsibility and decisionmaking
• Provides mentoring support and direction to attain the team members’ learning needs for
the long-term development
• Builds capacity-development strategies to support career development for all employees

4.10 Self Awareness and Self Control
Identifies one’s own emotional triggers and controls one’s emotional responses. Maintains
a sense of professionalism and emotional restraint when provoked, faced with hostility
or working under increased stress. It includes resilience and stamina despite prolonged

• Remains calm in stressful situations and listens to others’ point of view
• Has an honest understanding of own weaknesses and strengths
• Uses stress management techniques to deal with stress and control responses
• Responds constructively and professionally to extreme challenges, provocation and/or
professional disappointments
• Continues providing effective leadership in situations of stress or adversity
• Able to maintain focus and stamina for self and others in prolonged adversity
• Nurtures a culture to identify and dissolve stressors by better planning and analysing the
past instances

4.11 Communication Skills
Articulates information to others in language that is clear, concise, and easy to understand.
It also includes the ability to listen and understand unspoken feelings and concerns of

• Conveys information, opinions and arguments fluently and confidently in a manner that
clearly explains the benefits of one’s proposition on different people in the society
• Adapts communication style to suit the situation
• Communicates complex issues clearly and credibly, to widely varied audiences
• Uses different forums, media vehicles, tailors messages accordingly to achieve optimum

4.12 Team-Working
Working together as a unit for the common goal. Building teams through mutual trust,
respect and cooperation

• Willingly complies with the team decisions, is a good team player, does his or her share of
the work
• Willingly gives support to co-workers and works collaboratively rather than competitively
• Shares all relevant information with the team members, provides ideas, inputs and
• Solicits ideas and opinions to help form specific decisions or plans
• Displays willingness to learn from others, including subordinates and peers
• Genuinely values others’ expertise
• Incorporates others’ suggestions into planning and decision making
*Encourage others
• Works towards building positive team environment and addresses descriptive behaviour
such as threats, insults, stereotyping or exaggerations

 I hope that this blog post will help you in General Studies 4th paper and I hope that many of you will achieve success to provide efficient, effective, accountable, responsive and transparent governance as per vision of DoPT(GOI).

I sincerely acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this Report. I hope that our Civil Service Aspirants will get full benefit of this report.
You can read full report on link given below-

Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kuamar, IAS
District Collector, Wayand, Kerala

CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude, part 4

For a Civil Servant, equity is a very important concept. It is a constitution value. Summary of Chapter  on Equity from  'Civil Services Competency Dictionary'( GoI-UNDP Project: Strengthening Human Resource and Management of Civil Service) is being produced here for the benefit of our civil service aspirants.

Friends, I am sharing with you summary of this report with my observation. You can read this report on link given below-

3.1 Consultation and Consensus Building
Ability to identify the stakeholders and influencers, seek their views and concerns through
formal and informal channels. Build consensus through dialogue, persuasion, reconciliation
of diverse views/interests and trusting relationships.

*Confidently presents views in a clear, concise and constructive manner
*Develops links with the experts and relevant information sources, proposes good solutions
to benefit the public
*Proactively Looks for Opportunities to Promote Convergence
*Helps to Align Diverse Interests to a Common Goal
*Promotes consensus building and Convergence

3.2 Decision Making
Makes timely decisions that take into account relevant facts, tasks, goals, constraints, risks
and conflicting points of view.

• Makes timely decisions, based on applicable rules or guidelines
• Clearly explains (verbally and in writing) the rationale behind each decision
• Maintains clear communication and transparency on the reasons for the decision taken
• Identifies relevant and credible information sources and collects new data, when necessary,
from internal and external sources
• Recognises scope of own authority for decision making and escalates to the appropriate
level if necessary
• Empowers team members to make decisions
• Demonstrates accountability and rises above bias when making decisions
• Demonstrates decisiveness when under pressure or faced with complex or sensitive
situation aligning with policy trend in that field.
• Analyses the impact of past decisions made and incorporates lessons learnt in future
decision making process
*Makes Decisions in Complex Situations
• Foresees impact of decisions on the society by conducting social cost-benefit analysis
• Foresees the unintended impact(s) of decisions and takes actions to overcome them
• Interprets political and national pressures to develop strategies that positively impact the
public good, especially for the benefit of the marginalised and disadvantaged
• Gives unbiased advice to Ministers based on the basis of robust analysis, and not on the
basis of what will be welcomed
Makes decisions for the good of the society (even if it leads to loss of personal popularity)
and defends them at the highest level when required

3.3 Empathy
Empathy is about being able to accurately hear out and understand the thoughts, feelings
and concerns of others, even when these are not made explicit.

• Demonstrates active listening skills (such as asking probing questions, not interrupting)
• Displays openness to diversity of opinion and adapts behaviour to be helpful and
• Is sensitive to underlying problems, and why people act or behave the way they do
• Demonstrates empathy by correctly understanding reactions or emotions of others
• Creates a culture of mutual trust and respect
• Encourages others to read deeper into others’ emotions by providing practical tips
• Creates the systems promoting empathy

3.4 Delegation
Delegates responsibility with the appropriate level of autonomy so that others are free to
innovate and take the lead.

*Provides Personal Guidance and Direction
• Expresses confidence in the ability of the team members to get the work done
• Delegates full authority and responsibility to team members to provide solutions for the
Government and community on agreed policies
• Creates a culture of trust and empowerment amongst team members

I sincerely acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this Report. I hope that our Civil Service Aspirants will get full benefit of this report.
You can read full report on link given below-

Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kuamar, IAS
District Collector, Wayand, Kerala

CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude, part 3

Friends, this is the most important chapter from 'Civil Services Competency Dictionary' GoI-UNDP Project: Strengthening Human Resource and Management of Civil Service. This chapter will help and guide you on so many complicated case studies. Summary of this chapter and my remarks are given below to help lots of civil service aspirants with expectation that when they come into service, they should uphold these expectations.

Friends, I am sharing with you summary of this report with my observation. You can read this report on link given below-


2.1 Integrity
Consistently behaves in an open, fair, and transparent manner; honours one’s commitments;
and works to uphold the Public Service Values. Integrity can be summarised as to work without fear or favour for Public.

it is expected from a civil servant that He/She Acts Ethically. That means-
• Is open and honest in one’s dealings with others
• Honours commitments made to others
• Acts in ways to avoid conflict of interest - perceived or real – for example -by disclosing
potential issues on time
• Honest and open in all communications
• Gives frank and honest opinion when sought
• Follows the rules and regulations and is guided by Public Service values

• Does not share information loosely with others

Models the Values of the Civil Services
• Is guided by Public Interest in conflicting situations.
• Encourages others to consistently follow Public Service values
• Is trustworthy in all circumstances
• Treats people impartially, regardless of political, social, demographic, geographic,

circumstances or bias

Acts on Values even when it is not easy to do so
• Enforces law, public service values and rules of conduct even in difficult situations
• Has the courage and conviction to make and stand by the right decisions, even at significant
personal cost
• Provides honest and frank advice to uphold public interest

Is Seen Unflinching on Public ServiceValues
• Ensures full disclosure, by sharing the political implications of the decisions being made
• Challenges powerful and influential people, and holds them accountable to make the right
• Stands firm when dealing with unreasonable requests and demands

Is a Role Model
• Leads by example by maintaining high standards of professionalism and impartiality
• Takes accountability for own actions and creates a cultures for others also to take
accountability for their own actions
• Creates a culture that encourages open, honest, and ethical behaviour
• Holds people accountable to their actions and rewards those who demonstrate integrity
• Acts as a role model for courageous leadership by adopting a principled stance on critical issues

2.2 Self-Confidence
Belief in own capability to accomplish a task and being able to express confidence in dealing
with challenging circumstances, without being arrogant or boastful.

• Makes job-related decisions on his or her own, keeping in mind civil services’ values
• Able to say ‘No’ to all backed by a strong reason
• Acts confidently when the outcome benefits the public good, even when peers or partners
• Explicitly demonstrates confidence in own judgment
• Accepts responsibility for the consequences
• Able to articulate own point of view confidently and clearly even when in disagreement with
• Expresses own point of view clearly, confidently and politely when in disagreement with
senior officers, stakeholders, or others in power
• Acts in the favour of larger public good without being afraid of consequences
• Willingly takes on extremely challenging (that is, personally risky) tasks
• Challenges the status quo and is not afraid to take action, as long as the outcome is for the
betterment of the community
• Remains positive even under stressful conditions
• Explores multiple ways to overcome the challenge at hand

2.3 Attention to Detail
Having an underlying drive to being thorough and meticulous and to comply with procedures,
rules, guidelines, and standards. Digs deeper and strives to reduce uncertainties and

*Is knowledgeable of the policies and standards of his/her own department and adheres to
them while working
• Plans own work thoroughly and meticulously by using planning tools such as work plans,
checklists, etc and supports the introduction of better ways of working
• Ensures that breaches of regulatory requirements are treated with appropriate procedures
• Builds systemic checks and balances and is proactive and quick in resolving grievances
and issues
*Identifies loopholes and takes corrective measures to ensure unnecessary risks are

2.4 Taking Accountability
Takes ownership for outcomes (successes or failures) while addressing performance issues
fairly and promptly.

• Takes personal ownership for the quality of own work and keeps stakeholder informed
about the progress
• Remains focussed on delivery within specified timeframe

I sincerely acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this Report. I hope that our Civil Service Aspirants will get full benefit of this report.
You can read full report on link given below-

Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kuamar, IAS
District Collector, Wayand, Kerala

CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude, part 2

This is an important chapter from 'Civil Services Competency Dictionary' GoI-UNDP Project: Strengthening Human Resource and Management of Civil Service. This chapter will give you insight about what is expected from civil servant for our society and country. Summary of this chapter with my remark is given below for the benifit of civil service aspirants.

You can read full report on link given below-

ETHOS of Civil Service/Public Service

1.1People First:- Passion for serving people with special care for the marginalised and disadvantaged. Being approachable, welcoming, caring and rising above bias while interacting with people. Understands the needs of the people and constantly strives to improve the services

it is expected from civil servants to-
 *Understands the needs of the marginalised and disadvantaged, along with the needs of the
wider public
• Strives to respond quickly to meet their needs in a respectful, helpful and responsive manner
• Reports issues that affect service delivery, where necessary
• Addresses all the issues of the citizens in an unbiased manner
• Ensures that levels of service are maintained – highlights risks or concerns in order to meet
community requirements
• Understanding the value of an affirmative action towards the marginalised and disadvantaged
 *Is accessible to all citizens and seeks their feedback to develop a clear understanding of their
needs and outcomes
• Establishes mechanisms to address feedback from the community about the service provided
Is a role model of positive community service behaviours
• Promotes a culture focussed on serving and meeting the needs of the citizens
Constantly improves service by managing risks and ensuring service delivery within
defined outcomes
*Incorporates elements of affirmative action into planning and strategy formulation

1.2) Strategic Thinking
Ability to understand dynamic internal and external environment and its impact.
Responds to the opportunities and challenges for the betterment of society.
*Identifies bottleneck in existing systems and suggests steps to overcome them
*Anticipates the long-term impact of national and international developments in one’s area,
including economic, political, environmental, social, and technological

1.3) Organisational Awareness
Understanding of the organisation’s mandate, structure, policies, processes, norms
and its interface with other organisations. It also includes an understanding of the
organisation’s informal structures, power dynamics and constraints.
-Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the socio-political and economic context and
its implications
-Operates successfully in a variety of social, political, and cultural environments

1.4) Commitment to the organisation
Aligns behaviours and interests with the needs and goals of the organisations.
*Understands Civil Services values and acts accordingly
*Expresses pride, pleasure about being part of this organisation
• Promotes and/or defends the organisation’s credibility and visibility with outsiders
• Bargains and create goodwill for the organisation
• Pursues work with passion and dedication
*Strives to deliver at high standards to external and internal stakeholders
*Stands by decisions that benefit the larger organisation even if they are unpopular or
undercut the unit’s short-term good
Acts as per the Civil Services Values even under trying circumstances
*Acts as a role model
• Supports colleagues in making difficult decisions
• Is able to elicit commitment to the cause of the organisation from others (within and across
own organisation)
• Is able to make difficult decisions and stands by such decisions made by colleagues for the
larger benefit of the organisation

1.5) Leading Others- Ability to engage, energise, and enable the team to excel.
 *Openly and proactively shares information
• Explains the reasons for a decision taken
• Makes sure the team has all the necessary information
• Regularly updates team regarding changes and decisions made on related work
 *Formulates clear objectives for team members to perform
• Welcomes and takes into account positive as well as negative feedback
*Inspires people in rising to the challenge of meeting the goals of Civil Services

I hope that this article will be helpful for you for GS 4th paper. I sincerly acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this wonderful doucment and I hope that through this blog it will reach to its true readers. I have taken relevant points in my view from the chapters. You can read full report on link given below-
Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kumar, IAS,
District Collector, Wayanad, Kerala Best of luck.

Keshvendra Kumar, IAS
District Collector, Wayanad, Kerala


Friends, many of you ask about good books available for fourth paper of General studies of civil service mains examination. It is a fact that there is no comprehensive book available for this paper. It is a highly subjective paper where  opinion of examiner matters a lot. So, if you do have a mirror which reflects that what is expectation of government on these matters from you, that will be very much useful. Normally, Indian Constitution and Administrative Reforms Committed report is very much useful for this paper. Recently, I came across with a well written document prepared by Department of personnel and training, Govt. of India and United Nations Development programme named "Civil Services Competency Dictionary" and Tool Kit for its effective implentation. I assure you that it will be highly useful as it covers almost  half of your GS fourth paper syllabus including case studies. It gives you immense insight about expectation of UPSC or Government from you. It will help you a lot for case studies.

Syllabus of GS fourth paper for mains examination is reproduced below:-
General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity,
and Aptitude
This paper will include questions to test
the candidates' attitude and approach to
issues relating to integrity, probity in public
life and his problem solving approach
to various issues and conflicts faced by
him in dealing with society. Questions
may utilise the case study approach to
determine these aspects. The following
broad areas will be covered.
1.Ethics and Human Interface:
Essence, determinants and consequences
of Ethics in human
actions; dimensions of ethics;
ethics in private and public relationships.
Human Values - lessons
from the lives and teachings
of great leaders, reformers and
administrators; role of family, society
and educational institutions in
inculcating values.
2.Attitude: content, structure, function;
its influence and relation with
thought and behaviour; moral and
political attitudes; social influence
and persuasion.
3.Aptitude and foundational values
for Civil Service , integrity, impartiality
and non-partisanship, objectivity,
dedication to public service,
empathy, tolerance and compassion
towards the weaker-sections.
4.Emotional intelligence-concepts,
and their utilities and application in
administration and governance.
5.Contributions of moral thinkers and
philosophers from India and world.
6.Public/Civil service values and
Ethics in Public administration:
Status and problems; ethical concerns
and dilemmas in government
and private institutions; laws,
rules, regulations and conscience
as sources of ethical guidance;
accountability and ethical governance;
strengthening of ethical
and moral values in governance;
ethical issues in international relations
and funding; corporate governance.
7.Probity in Governance: Concept of
public service; Philosophical basis
of governance and probity;
Information sharing and transparency
in government, Right to
Information, Codes of Ethics,
Codes of Conduct, Citizen's
Charters, Work culture, Quality of
service delivery, Utilization of public
funds, challenges of corruption.
8.Case Studies on above issues.

Friends, I am sharing with you summary of this report with my observation. You can read this report on link given below-

Competencies are those underlying characteristics of an employee – motive, trait, skill, aspects of one’s social image, social role or a body of knowledge, which can result in effective and/or superior performance in a job or role’.

Knowledge &  Skill- Knowledge is the operational or technical understanding
a person has about something and skills are the things a person can do.
Social Role-Social role relates to how we project ourselves in our roles.
Self Image-Self-image relates to the attitudes and values we hold,
what is important to us as individuals, and how we feel about ourselves.
Traits are the characteristics or consistent responses of someone. For example, someone may demonstrate the trait of self-control consistently when confronted. . A person’s traits may be very helpful in a job, especially when the job calls for the kind of traits a person has.

Motives-Motives are the things a person consistently thinks about or wants, which cause them to take action. For example, a person may be highly achievement-oriented and this may drive their performance on the job. Or a person may be motivated by affiliation or friendship and this may drive their performance because the job involves dealing with many people

Characteristics of Good Governance
Accountability, Transparency, Equity and Inclusiveness, Participatory, Consensus Orientation,
Following Rule of Law, Effectiveness and Efficiency

Competency Framework for the Indian Civil Services

-Exhibits citizen
good and
interests of the
openness and
Treats all
citizens alike,
ensures justice
to all, with
for the weaker
excellence and
value for
human capital
and nurtures

This report is divided in following topics-
1. Ethos |  1.1 People First |  1.2 Strategic Thinking |  1.3 Organisational Awareness |  1.4 Commitment to the Organisation |  1.5 Leading Others |
2. Ethics |  2.1 Integrity |  2.2 Self-Confidence |  2.3 Attention to detail |  2.4 Taking Accountability
3. Equity |  3.1 Consultation and Consensus Building |  3.2 Decision Making |  3.3 Empathy |  3.4 Delegation
4. Efficiency |  4.1 Result Orientation |  4.2 Conceptual Thinking |  4.3 Initiative and Drive | 4.4 Seeking Information |  4.5 Planning and Coordination |  4.6 Desire for Knowledge |  4.7 Innovative Thinking |  4.8 Problem Solving |  4.9 Developing Others |  4.10 Self Awareness and Self Control |  4.11 Communication Skills |  4.12 Team-Working

in next part of my article, I'll come to the topics one by one.

I sincerly acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this wonderful doucment and I hope that through this blog it will reach its future target audience- Aspiring civil servants.
Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kumar, IAS,
District Collector, Wayanad, Kerala

सिविल सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा के सामान्य अध्ययन के चौथे प्रश्न पत्र की तैयारी - पहली कड़ी

साथियों, आप में से कई लोगों ने  सिविल सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा के सामान्य अध्ययन का चौथा प्रश्न पत्र कैसे तैयार करे, इस पर मुझसे सलाह मांगी है | इस प्रश्न की प्रकृति ऐसी है कि इस पर अभी तक कोई समग्र पुस्तक उपलब्ध नहीं है | यह एक काफी हद तक वस्तुनिष्ठ पत्र है जिसमे परीक्षक की दृष्टि काफी मायने रखती है | इसलिए, अगर आपके पास एक ऐसा आईना हो जो आपको यह दिखा सके कि यूपीएससी एवं  सरकार  इन विषयों पर आपसे क्या अपेक्षा रखती है, तो वह आप लोगों के लिए काफी महत्त्वपूर्ण होगा | इस प्रश्न पत्र की तैयारी में भारत के संविधान, प्रशासनिक सुधार आयोग की रिपोर्ट काफी लाभदायक है | इसके अलावा अच्छे पत्र पत्रिकाओं के प्रशासन से सम्बंधित आलेख भी काफी मददगार है | हाल में ही मैं भारत सरकार के Department of personnel and training (DOPT) एवं  United Nations Development programme(UNDP) के द्वारा तैयार किये "सिविल सेवा सक्षमता शब्दकोष " से रूबरू हुआ और मेरे मानना है की सामान्य अध्ययन के चौथे पत्र की तयारी में यह कम्पास की तरह आपको दिशा दिखा सकता है | इस पुस्तिका से कम से कम इस पत्र का आधे से ज्यादा भाग पूर्ण हो जाता है  और केस स्टडी के प्रश्नों को हल करने में भी आपको इससे काफी मदद मिलती है |

इस रिपोर्ट की प्रधान बातें मैं संक्षेप में अपनी टिप्पणियों और अपने अनुवाद के साथ आप लोगों के सम्मुख रख रहा हूँ | इस रिपोर्ट में अच्छे प्रशासन और प्रशासक से ये अपेक्षाएं हैं-
Characteristics of Good Governance (सुशासन के लक्षण )
Accountability, Transparency, Equity and Inclusiveness, Participatory, Consensus Orientation,

Following Rule of Law, Effectiveness and Efficiency 
उत्तरदायित्व , पारदर्शिता , समता एवं समावेशन , सबको साथ लेकर चलना, आम सहमति पर जोर, नियमबद्ध शासन,प्रभावक्षम एवं  दक्ष 
इस रिपोर्ट में सक्षमता पर जोर दिया गया है | इस रिपोर्ट में सक्षमता को इस प्रकार परिभाषित किया गया है -

Competencies are those underlying characteristics of an employee – motive, trait, skill, aspects of one’s social image, social role or a body of knowledge, which can result in effective and/or superior performance in a job or role’.
सक्षमता  किसी व्यक्ति के उद्देश्य, गुण, दक्षता, सामाजिक  छवि , समाज में रोल, एवं ज्ञान का योग है जो किसी कार्य को सुचारू रूप से करने में उसे  समर्थ  बनाती है |

सक्षमता के विविध अंगों की इस रिपोर्ट में इस तरह से बताया गया है -

Knowledge & Skill- Knowledge is the operational or technical understanding a person has about something and skills are the things a person can do. व्यक्ति की कार्य के बारे में ज्ञान और दक्षता 
Social Role-Social role relates to how we project ourselves in our roles- समाज में व्यक्ति किस  तरह अपनी भूमिका को देखता है |
Self Image-Self-image relates to the attitudes and values we hold, what is important to us as individuals, and how we feel about ourselves.-आत्मछवि  एक व्यक्ति के तौर पर आप कैसे छवि लोगों के सामने रखना चाहते हैं, उसको बताती है |
Traits are the characteristics or consistent responses of someone. For example, someone may demonstrate the trait of self-control consistently when confronted. . A person’s traits may be very helpful in a job, especially when the job calls for the kind of traits a person has.
प्रवृत्ति दिखाती है की व्यक्ति दिए हुए परिस्तिथियों में किस तरह बर्ताव करेगा |

Motives-Motives are the things a person consistently thinks about or wants, which cause them to take action. For example, a person may be highly achievement-oriented and this may drive their performance on the job. Or a person may be motivated by affiliation or friendship and this may drive their performance because the job involves dealing with many people
उद्देश्य आप क्या बनाना या पाना चाहते है, उसे बताती है | एक अच्छे प्रशासक के लिए संविधान एवं नियमों में आस्था के साथ जनकल्याण सदुदेश्य है

 |Competency Framework for the Indian Civil Services
भारतीय  सिविल सेवा के लिए सक्षमता ढांचा 

ETHOS (नैतिक  विचार एवं मूल्य )
-Exhibits citizen centricity and inclusiveness, promotes public good and long-term interests of the Nation
ETHICS (नीति शास्त्र )
Demonstrates integrity, transparency, openness and fairness
EQUITY (समता )
Treats all citizens alike, ensures justice to all, with empathy for the weaker section
EFFICIENCY (कार्यकुशलता )
Promotes operational excellence and value for money, manages human capital and nurtures capability

इस रिपोर्ट का हिंदी अनुवाद मुझे नहीं मिल पाया, इसलिए मैं इस रिपोर्ट की मुख्य बातों को अपनी टिप्पणियों के साथ पोस्ट कर रहा हूँ. इस रिपोर्ट के प्रमुख विषय निम्नलिखित है-
1. Ethos |  1.1 People First |  1.2 Strategic Thinking |  1.3 Organisational Awareness |  1.4 Commitment to the Organisation |  1.5 Leading Others |
2. Ethics |  2.1 Integrity |  2.2 Self-Confidence |  2.3 Attention to detail |  2.4 Taking Accountability
3. Equity |  3.1 Consultation and Consensus Building |  3.2 Decision Making |  3.3 Empathy |  3.4 Delegation
4. Efficiency |  4.1 Result Orientation |  4.2 Conceptual Thinking |  4.3 Initiative and Drive | 4.4 Seeking Information |  4.5 Planning and Coordination |  4.6 Desire for Knowledge |  4.7 Innovative Thinking |  4.8 Problem Solving |  4.9 Developing Others |  4.10 Self Awareness and Self Control |  4.11 Communication Skills |  4.12 Team-Working
इस लेख की आगे की कड़ियों में मैं एक-एक कर के इसके सिलेबस के हिसाब से महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक्स की चर्चा करूँगा.
मुख्य परीक्षा की तैयारियों के लिए आप लोगों को ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं |

पूरी रिपोर्ट पढने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करे-

केशवेन्द्र कुमार, आईएएस
जिला कलक्टर, वायनाड, केरल