Integrity लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Integrity लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

शनिवार, 24 अक्टूबर 2015

CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude, part 2

This is an important chapter from 'Civil Services Competency Dictionary' GoI-UNDP Project: Strengthening Human Resource and Management of Civil Service. This chapter will give you insight about what is expected from civil servant for our society and country. Summary of this chapter with my remark is given below for the benifit of civil service aspirants.

You can read full report on link given below-

ETHOS of Civil Service/Public Service

1.1People First:- Passion for serving people with special care for the marginalised and disadvantaged. Being approachable, welcoming, caring and rising above bias while interacting with people. Understands the needs of the people and constantly strives to improve the services

it is expected from civil servants to-
 *Understands the needs of the marginalised and disadvantaged, along with the needs of the
wider public
• Strives to respond quickly to meet their needs in a respectful, helpful and responsive manner
• Reports issues that affect service delivery, where necessary
• Addresses all the issues of the citizens in an unbiased manner
• Ensures that levels of service are maintained – highlights risks or concerns in order to meet
community requirements
• Understanding the value of an affirmative action towards the marginalised and disadvantaged
 *Is accessible to all citizens and seeks their feedback to develop a clear understanding of their
needs and outcomes
• Establishes mechanisms to address feedback from the community about the service provided
Is a role model of positive community service behaviours
• Promotes a culture focussed on serving and meeting the needs of the citizens
Constantly improves service by managing risks and ensuring service delivery within
defined outcomes
*Incorporates elements of affirmative action into planning and strategy formulation

1.2) Strategic Thinking
Ability to understand dynamic internal and external environment and its impact.
Responds to the opportunities and challenges for the betterment of society.
*Identifies bottleneck in existing systems and suggests steps to overcome them
*Anticipates the long-term impact of national and international developments in one’s area,
including economic, political, environmental, social, and technological

1.3) Organisational Awareness
Understanding of the organisation’s mandate, structure, policies, processes, norms
and its interface with other organisations. It also includes an understanding of the
organisation’s informal structures, power dynamics and constraints.
-Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the socio-political and economic context and
its implications
-Operates successfully in a variety of social, political, and cultural environments

1.4) Commitment to the organisation
Aligns behaviours and interests with the needs and goals of the organisations.
*Understands Civil Services values and acts accordingly
*Expresses pride, pleasure about being part of this organisation
• Promotes and/or defends the organisation’s credibility and visibility with outsiders
• Bargains and create goodwill for the organisation
• Pursues work with passion and dedication
*Strives to deliver at high standards to external and internal stakeholders
*Stands by decisions that benefit the larger organisation even if they are unpopular or
undercut the unit’s short-term good
Acts as per the Civil Services Values even under trying circumstances
*Acts as a role model
• Supports colleagues in making difficult decisions
• Is able to elicit commitment to the cause of the organisation from others (within and across
own organisation)
• Is able to make difficult decisions and stands by such decisions made by colleagues for the
larger benefit of the organisation

1.5) Leading Others- Ability to engage, energise, and enable the team to excel.
 *Openly and proactively shares information
• Explains the reasons for a decision taken
• Makes sure the team has all the necessary information
• Regularly updates team regarding changes and decisions made on related work
 *Formulates clear objectives for team members to perform
• Welcomes and takes into account positive as well as negative feedback
*Inspires people in rising to the challenge of meeting the goals of Civil Services

I hope that this article will be helpful for you for GS 4th paper. I sincerly acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this wonderful doucment and I hope that through this blog it will reach to its true readers. I have taken relevant points in my view from the chapters. You can read full report on link given below-
Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kumar, IAS,
District Collector, Wayanad, Kerala Best of luck.

Keshvendra Kumar, IAS
District Collector, Wayanad, Kerala


Friends, many of you ask about good books available for fourth paper of General studies of civil service mains examination. It is a fact that there is no comprehensive book available for this paper. It is a highly subjective paper where  opinion of examiner matters a lot. So, if you do have a mirror which reflects that what is expectation of government on these matters from you, that will be very much useful. Normally, Indian Constitution and Administrative Reforms Committed report is very much useful for this paper. Recently, I came across with a well written document prepared by Department of personnel and training, Govt. of India and United Nations Development programme named "Civil Services Competency Dictionary" and Tool Kit for its effective implentation. I assure you that it will be highly useful as it covers almost  half of your GS fourth paper syllabus including case studies. It gives you immense insight about expectation of UPSC or Government from you. It will help you a lot for case studies.

Syllabus of GS fourth paper for mains examination is reproduced below:-
General Studies- IV: Ethics, Integrity,
and Aptitude
This paper will include questions to test
the candidates' attitude and approach to
issues relating to integrity, probity in public
life and his problem solving approach
to various issues and conflicts faced by
him in dealing with society. Questions
may utilise the case study approach to
determine these aspects. The following
broad areas will be covered.
1.Ethics and Human Interface:
Essence, determinants and consequences
of Ethics in human
actions; dimensions of ethics;
ethics in private and public relationships.
Human Values - lessons
from the lives and teachings
of great leaders, reformers and
administrators; role of family, society
and educational institutions in
inculcating values.
2.Attitude: content, structure, function;
its influence and relation with
thought and behaviour; moral and
political attitudes; social influence
and persuasion.
3.Aptitude and foundational values
for Civil Service , integrity, impartiality
and non-partisanship, objectivity,
dedication to public service,
empathy, tolerance and compassion
towards the weaker-sections.
4.Emotional intelligence-concepts,
and their utilities and application in
administration and governance.
5.Contributions of moral thinkers and
philosophers from India and world.
6.Public/Civil service values and
Ethics in Public administration:
Status and problems; ethical concerns
and dilemmas in government
and private institutions; laws,
rules, regulations and conscience
as sources of ethical guidance;
accountability and ethical governance;
strengthening of ethical
and moral values in governance;
ethical issues in international relations
and funding; corporate governance.
7.Probity in Governance: Concept of
public service; Philosophical basis
of governance and probity;
Information sharing and transparency
in government, Right to
Information, Codes of Ethics,
Codes of Conduct, Citizen's
Charters, Work culture, Quality of
service delivery, Utilization of public
funds, challenges of corruption.
8.Case Studies on above issues.

Friends, I am sharing with you summary of this report with my observation. You can read this report on link given below-

Competencies are those underlying characteristics of an employee – motive, trait, skill, aspects of one’s social image, social role or a body of knowledge, which can result in effective and/or superior performance in a job or role’.

Knowledge &  Skill- Knowledge is the operational or technical understanding
a person has about something and skills are the things a person can do.
Social Role-Social role relates to how we project ourselves in our roles.
Self Image-Self-image relates to the attitudes and values we hold,
what is important to us as individuals, and how we feel about ourselves.
Traits are the characteristics or consistent responses of someone. For example, someone may demonstrate the trait of self-control consistently when confronted. . A person’s traits may be very helpful in a job, especially when the job calls for the kind of traits a person has.

Motives-Motives are the things a person consistently thinks about or wants, which cause them to take action. For example, a person may be highly achievement-oriented and this may drive their performance on the job. Or a person may be motivated by affiliation or friendship and this may drive their performance because the job involves dealing with many people

Characteristics of Good Governance
Accountability, Transparency, Equity and Inclusiveness, Participatory, Consensus Orientation,
Following Rule of Law, Effectiveness and Efficiency

Competency Framework for the Indian Civil Services

-Exhibits citizen
good and
interests of the
openness and
Treats all
citizens alike,
ensures justice
to all, with
for the weaker
excellence and
value for
human capital
and nurtures

This report is divided in following topics-
1. Ethos |  1.1 People First |  1.2 Strategic Thinking |  1.3 Organisational Awareness |  1.4 Commitment to the Organisation |  1.5 Leading Others |
2. Ethics |  2.1 Integrity |  2.2 Self-Confidence |  2.3 Attention to detail |  2.4 Taking Accountability
3. Equity |  3.1 Consultation and Consensus Building |  3.2 Decision Making |  3.3 Empathy |  3.4 Delegation
4. Efficiency |  4.1 Result Orientation |  4.2 Conceptual Thinking |  4.3 Initiative and Drive | 4.4 Seeking Information |  4.5 Planning and Coordination |  4.6 Desire for Knowledge |  4.7 Innovative Thinking |  4.8 Problem Solving |  4.9 Developing Others |  4.10 Self Awareness and Self Control |  4.11 Communication Skills |  4.12 Team-Working

in next part of my article, I'll come to the topics one by one.

I sincerly acknowledge DOPT and UNDP for this wonderful doucment and I hope that through this blog it will reach its future target audience- Aspiring civil servants.
Best of luck,
Keshvendra Kumar, IAS,
District Collector, Wayanad, Kerala

सिविल सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा के सामान्य अध्ययन के चौथे प्रश्न पत्र की तैयारी - पहली कड़ी

साथियों, आप में से कई लोगों ने  सिविल सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा के सामान्य अध्ययन का चौथा प्रश्न पत्र कैसे तैयार करे, इस पर मुझसे सलाह मांगी है | इस प्रश्न की प्रकृति ऐसी है कि इस पर अभी तक कोई समग्र पुस्तक उपलब्ध नहीं है | यह एक काफी हद तक वस्तुनिष्ठ पत्र है जिसमे परीक्षक की दृष्टि काफी मायने रखती है | इसलिए, अगर आपके पास एक ऐसा आईना हो जो आपको यह दिखा सके कि यूपीएससी एवं  सरकार  इन विषयों पर आपसे क्या अपेक्षा रखती है, तो वह आप लोगों के लिए काफी महत्त्वपूर्ण होगा | इस प्रश्न पत्र की तैयारी में भारत के संविधान, प्रशासनिक सुधार आयोग की रिपोर्ट काफी लाभदायक है | इसके अलावा अच्छे पत्र पत्रिकाओं के प्रशासन से सम्बंधित आलेख भी काफी मददगार है | हाल में ही मैं भारत सरकार के Department of personnel and training (DOPT) एवं  United Nations Development programme(UNDP) के द्वारा तैयार किये "सिविल सेवा सक्षमता शब्दकोष " से रूबरू हुआ और मेरे मानना है की सामान्य अध्ययन के चौथे पत्र की तयारी में यह कम्पास की तरह आपको दिशा दिखा सकता है | इस पुस्तिका से कम से कम इस पत्र का आधे से ज्यादा भाग पूर्ण हो जाता है  और केस स्टडी के प्रश्नों को हल करने में भी आपको इससे काफी मदद मिलती है |

इस रिपोर्ट की प्रधान बातें मैं संक्षेप में अपनी टिप्पणियों और अपने अनुवाद के साथ आप लोगों के सम्मुख रख रहा हूँ | इस रिपोर्ट में अच्छे प्रशासन और प्रशासक से ये अपेक्षाएं हैं-
Characteristics of Good Governance (सुशासन के लक्षण )
Accountability, Transparency, Equity and Inclusiveness, Participatory, Consensus Orientation,

Following Rule of Law, Effectiveness and Efficiency 
उत्तरदायित्व , पारदर्शिता , समता एवं समावेशन , सबको साथ लेकर चलना, आम सहमति पर जोर, नियमबद्ध शासन,प्रभावक्षम एवं  दक्ष 
इस रिपोर्ट में सक्षमता पर जोर दिया गया है | इस रिपोर्ट में सक्षमता को इस प्रकार परिभाषित किया गया है -

Competencies are those underlying characteristics of an employee – motive, trait, skill, aspects of one’s social image, social role or a body of knowledge, which can result in effective and/or superior performance in a job or role’.
सक्षमता  किसी व्यक्ति के उद्देश्य, गुण, दक्षता, सामाजिक  छवि , समाज में रोल, एवं ज्ञान का योग है जो किसी कार्य को सुचारू रूप से करने में उसे  समर्थ  बनाती है |

सक्षमता के विविध अंगों की इस रिपोर्ट में इस तरह से बताया गया है -

Knowledge & Skill- Knowledge is the operational or technical understanding a person has about something and skills are the things a person can do. व्यक्ति की कार्य के बारे में ज्ञान और दक्षता 
Social Role-Social role relates to how we project ourselves in our roles- समाज में व्यक्ति किस  तरह अपनी भूमिका को देखता है |
Self Image-Self-image relates to the attitudes and values we hold, what is important to us as individuals, and how we feel about ourselves.-आत्मछवि  एक व्यक्ति के तौर पर आप कैसे छवि लोगों के सामने रखना चाहते हैं, उसको बताती है |
Traits are the characteristics or consistent responses of someone. For example, someone may demonstrate the trait of self-control consistently when confronted. . A person’s traits may be very helpful in a job, especially when the job calls for the kind of traits a person has.
प्रवृत्ति दिखाती है की व्यक्ति दिए हुए परिस्तिथियों में किस तरह बर्ताव करेगा |

Motives-Motives are the things a person consistently thinks about or wants, which cause them to take action. For example, a person may be highly achievement-oriented and this may drive their performance on the job. Or a person may be motivated by affiliation or friendship and this may drive their performance because the job involves dealing with many people
उद्देश्य आप क्या बनाना या पाना चाहते है, उसे बताती है | एक अच्छे प्रशासक के लिए संविधान एवं नियमों में आस्था के साथ जनकल्याण सदुदेश्य है

 |Competency Framework for the Indian Civil Services
भारतीय  सिविल सेवा के लिए सक्षमता ढांचा 

ETHOS (नैतिक  विचार एवं मूल्य )
-Exhibits citizen centricity and inclusiveness, promotes public good and long-term interests of the Nation
ETHICS (नीति शास्त्र )
Demonstrates integrity, transparency, openness and fairness
EQUITY (समता )
Treats all citizens alike, ensures justice to all, with empathy for the weaker section
EFFICIENCY (कार्यकुशलता )
Promotes operational excellence and value for money, manages human capital and nurtures capability

इस रिपोर्ट का हिंदी अनुवाद मुझे नहीं मिल पाया, इसलिए मैं इस रिपोर्ट की मुख्य बातों को अपनी टिप्पणियों के साथ पोस्ट कर रहा हूँ. इस रिपोर्ट के प्रमुख विषय निम्नलिखित है-
1. Ethos |  1.1 People First |  1.2 Strategic Thinking |  1.3 Organisational Awareness |  1.4 Commitment to the Organisation |  1.5 Leading Others |
2. Ethics |  2.1 Integrity |  2.2 Self-Confidence |  2.3 Attention to detail |  2.4 Taking Accountability
3. Equity |  3.1 Consultation and Consensus Building |  3.2 Decision Making |  3.3 Empathy |  3.4 Delegation
4. Efficiency |  4.1 Result Orientation |  4.2 Conceptual Thinking |  4.3 Initiative and Drive | 4.4 Seeking Information |  4.5 Planning and Coordination |  4.6 Desire for Knowledge |  4.7 Innovative Thinking |  4.8 Problem Solving |  4.9 Developing Others |  4.10 Self Awareness and Self Control |  4.11 Communication Skills |  4.12 Team-Working
इस लेख की आगे की कड़ियों में मैं एक-एक कर के इसके सिलेबस के हिसाब से महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक्स की चर्चा करूँगा.
मुख्य परीक्षा की तैयारियों के लिए आप लोगों को ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं |

पूरी रिपोर्ट पढने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करे-

केशवेन्द्र कुमार, आईएएस
जिला कलक्टर, वायनाड, केरल