HOBBY लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
HOBBY लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

बुधवार, 31 मार्च 2010


Dear Friends,

In this post, I would like to discuss the importance of hobbies for your interview. Let me tell you one thing, that sometimes your hobby section may be deciding factor of your interview.

For example, I am telling you about my interview experience in 2008. I had given 7 hobbies in my interview form namely, Diary writing, Poetry, Meditation, Inspiring others, Social Service, Enjoying  company of Nature and participating in debates. My interview begin with my Hobby and the last question was also on hobby. Questions on hobby formed one third of my interview. And, for my Interview, I got 210 marks, quite good for a first timer.

Parveen Talha was chairperson. She started with the question that what you write in your diary? I gave a small but complete reply. Then she asked me to name one famous diary. Initially, I started with diaries of Hindi Writers but she interrupted me and said that tell me about  any world famous diary. Suddenly, I remembered Anne Frank's Diary and I named it. I think that madom was also thinking about the same book. So, there was broad simle on her face. Then she asked me 4-5 questions regarding this Diary like who wrote it, where, how etc. Fortunately, I had read this Book in 2006 so I gave satisfactory answers to those questions.

Then madom turned to my next Hobby and told me that You write poems. Recite 4 lines of your poem. I boldly said that I would like to share my full poem because in 4 lines, the board would not be able to make out any sense.  Madom gave her permission with smile. Then I recited one of my Hindi Poem "Majboori ka Naam Mahatma Gandhi". I am giving this poem below-

मज़बूरी का नाम महात्मा गाँधी

पता नही कब से मज़बूरी का

नाम महात्मा गाँधी है

हर मुश्किल में हर बेबस की

ढाल महात्मा गाँधी है.

अक्सर इस जुमले को सुनते-

सुनते मन में आता है -

गाँधी जी का मज़बूरी से

ऐसा भी क्या नाता है?

ऑफिस की दीवारों पर

गाँधी की फोटो टंगी-टंगी

बाबुओं का घूस मांगना

देखा करती घडी- घडी.

चौराहों- मैदानों में

बापू की प्रतिमा खड़ी- खड़ी

नेताओं के झूठे वादे

सुनती विवश हो घडी-घडी .

गाँधी का चरखा, गाँधी की

खड़ी आज अतीत हुई,

गाँधी के घर में ही देखो

गोडसे की जीत हुई.

गाँधी जी की हिन्दुस्तानी

पड़ी आज भी कोने में,

गाँधी के प्यारे गांवों में

कमी न आयी रोने में.

नोटों पर छप, छुपकर गाँधी

सब कुछ देखा करते हैं

हर कुकर्म का, अपराधों का

मन में लेखा करते हैं.

गाँधी भारत का बापू था,

इंडिया में उसका काम नही,

मज़बूरी के सिवा यहाँ होठों पर

गाँधी नाम नही.

इतना कुछ गुन-कह-सुन मैंने

बात गांठ यह बंधी है-

गाँधी होने की मज़बूरी का ही

नाम महात्मा गाँधी है.

When I was reciting this poem, there was pin-drop-silence in the Interview room and all members were listening to it very sincerely. When I finished this Poem, Parveen Talha  took one link from this poem and came to corruption in government offices. She asked me that you know the reality, even then why you want to become part of this system. I replied with smile that I want to clean the system. Then she asked-how? I gave a detailed answer for that.

After that, there were some questions regarding the District where I was working, about International relations(My one optional was Political science) about Development scenario in India, about Indian Freedom struggle etc.  In the end, final question was on Hobby again. One board member asked that you have written Social Service as your hobby. Could you explain that how social service is your hobby?
I was associated with one Grass-root NGO named Titli in Birbhoom, W.B. This NGO works for educating Child labours and children of sex workers. I told them about my experiences in working with this NGO and they were very moved by this. Again one member asked that How will you continue this hobby once you come into this service. I told them if a administrator takes care of efficient and honest implementation of all the Government welfare projects, that will be the greatest social service. They were fully satisfied and agree.

I would like to share experience of one of my batchmates who socred highest marks in interview in 2008 IAS examination, Lalita Lakshmi. She is a gifted singer and has good knowledge of classical music. In her previous interviews, she gave classical music as her hobby. So, normally board went for questions regarding classical music, its masters etc. Then, she gave SINGING as her hobby. Chairperson was Balaguruswami. They asked her to sing. She sang one Song written by great Tamil Poet Subhramanyam Bharti in Tamil. She scored 249 and her hobby played its part in it.

So, I suggest all candidates that prepare about the hobbies you have written in interview forms very sincerely. You should be clear about that what is this hobby, if any other famous person has this hobby, how you will continue your hobby in future, how your hobby benefitting you. Prepare all possible questions regarding your hobby and their possible answers. Remember that when u r talking about your hobby, there should be happiness and relaxation on your face.

If you have any specific doubts, let me know. I would try my best to give meaningful suggestions.
Best of Luck.